Make an Appointment


    We are happy to accept referrals from GPs and other specialists and the patients themselves.

    All the appointments are with the consultant psychiatrists. Our Consultant Psychiatrists are UK qualified on the Specialist Register of the General Medical Council.

    • All appointments with a Consultant Psychiatrist
    • Evening and Weekend appointments
    • Location across London & Surrey
    • No waiting lists

    Terms and Conditions

    Please note that by accessing or using this service you agree to be bound by its terms & conditions.


    Information and consultation is provided in good faith and according to current best practice guidelines wherever possible. Advice given is offered in response to information provided by the service user. However, the effectiveness of any suggested treatment is also crucially dependent on you. Clearly you must reply honestly when asked for information and you must not withhold information even if you are not sure whether it may be relevant. If potentially important information is withheld by the service user, this limits the nature and depth of advice that can be offered.
    London Psychiatric Clinic has a zero-tolerance policy with respect to the verbal or physical abuse of our staff, or damage to our property. Offenders (together with appropriate supporting evidence) will be referred to the police for prosecution.
    London Psychiatric Clinic is entitled in its absolute discretion to cease or refuse provision of services or products to you:-


    We take confidentiality seriously and endeavour to respect this for service users. However, confidentiality of the information shared cannot be maintained if there is any risk identified as to the well-being of the service user, or others.

    Payments and insurance policies

    If you are paying fees yourself, payment for each consultation can be made either in advance or on the day of the appointment by bank transfer, cash or online via paypal with your credit/debit card. Receipts are available on request. Every session is payable up to 24 hours in advance of the appointment. Your can use your credit/debit card paying for all appointments. Credit card details are stored on a secure database for use towards future appointments, outstanding charges, telephone advise, prescription and medical reports. Our consultant psychiatrists are recognised by all the major health insurers. If appointments are covered by health insurance, then we can claim the fees directly from your insurer. However you will need to obtain and bring a pre-authorisation code from your insurance company with you to your appointment. When obtaining pre-authorisation it is wise to check any excess and limits on your policy. If you are not able to provide this number at the appointment, you will need to pay directly on the day of the appointment and then claim this back from your insurer yourself. If your insurance policy does not cover the full cost of each session, you will be responsible for the payment of any fees not covered by your policy. It is your responsibility to check with your insurers of any amount that will not be covered by them. We will also inform you of any unsettled fees and request that these are paid within 7 days from the date of invoice or with immediate effect should 7 days grace have passed. Clients who arrive late may be charged accordingly or may have the time taken off their appointment or may not be able to be accommodated at all.


    All amounts must be paid in full without set-off deduction counterclaim or any other withholding. You will be liable to pay any admin fee and interest on any amount not paid when due at the rate of 2% above the base rate from time to time of Barclays Bank plc from the due date until payment in full before and after judgement.

    Cancellation / changes to appointments

    Please contact us as soon as possible to let us know if you would like to cancel an appointment. No charge will be made on the sessions when more than 5 working days notice is given. We recognise that flexibility is important and will try to accommodate requests to reschedule appointments wherever possible. However costs may be incurred with short notice changes, so for appointments that are cancelled or postponed with less than 24 hour notice, a cancellation fee of £50 will have to be charged. If cancellation notice is more than 24 hours but less than 5 working days then the cancellation fee will be £30. Cancellations with less than 4 hours notice before the appointment or non-attended appointments without any prior notice will be charged at the full price of the session. If the appointment was booked less than one working day before the appointment time, the full fee for the consultation will be charged if the appointment is subsequently cancelled. Please note if you want us to claim the cancellation fee from your insurance conpany then rates will be higher. In unforeseen or unavoidable circumstances we may have to cancel or rescheduled your appointment. We apologize for any inconvenience caused in those situations however London psychiatric Clinic does not take any responsibility. We will provide you with as much notice as possible if we need to cancel/reschedule one of your appointments.


    You acknowledge and agree that information relating to your dealings with London Psychiatric Clinic, anything said or done during your appointments and/or consultations with LPC, the treatments and advice offered to you or others by LPC and the business and affairs of LPC are private and confidential and you will not seek to disclose or publish any such information to any third party without the prior express written consent of London psychiatric clinic. You agree that you will not photograph, record and/or film or cause, direct, procure, assist or authorise anyone else to photograph, record and/or film any matters relating to your dealings with LPC, anything said or done during your appointments and/or consultations with LPC, the treatments and advice offered to you or others by LPC or the business or affairs of LPC. You agree that, if you act in breach of above clauses, you will be liable to pay to London psychiatric Clinic all and any loss and damage caused to LPC as a result of a such breach.


    Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information on this site, the author and web hosting service cannot accept any responsibility for any loss and/or liability of any kind whatsoever incurred by the users or by any other person arising out of the use of information held on this site. Please note that any medical information contained within this site is not intended as a substitute for consultation with a professional physician. The content provided in this website is for information purposes only and is in no way intended as a substitute for treatment. Links to other sites are included for information only and do not necessarily reflect the opinion or endorsement of the author. If you have any questions about your condition or its treatment, please consult your doctor. .